Friday, April 1, 2011

Keeping a Budget in mind Part I

A topic that may be sore for some; how to budget vacation money when on a visit to Las Vegas. Remember, visiting Sin City is similar to grocery shopping while hungry: everything looks delicious, but affording it is not possible. Keep this same mentality when passing that favorite casino, outlet store, and/or restaurant.

One thing I like to do is make my dinner and show reservations before I even get to the airport. This way, I don't get myself into trouble while in Vegas. The plan doesn't have to be followed verbatim, but be mindful of what can be spent. Staying within a budget will allow you to return keep returning and enjoying all that Las Vegas has to offer.


1 comment:

  1. The plan doesn't have to be vegas followed verbatim, but be mindful of what can be spent.


About Me

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Although a very passionate entrepreneur in the fields of marketing and music, I also hold a daily full-time job as an analyst. I've had the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas several times since turning 18. Sure, I've been there often, and there are no signs of stopping. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.